Thursday, 17 December 2015

AFS Route Determination configuration

1.    Define Routes and Stages

IMG à Enterprise Structure à Sales and Distribution à Basic Functions à Define Routes à Define Routes and Stages

  • Enter Route, Description, select Shipping type and Factory calendar.

  • Click on details
     to ensure that the values entered above are populated.

1.    Define AFS Route Determination in Purchase Order

IMG à Enterprise Structure à Sales and Distribution à Basic Functions à Define Routes à Define Routes and Stages

  • Define Route:

Routes default from previous step. Transportation Lead Times are entered in this step (which are used in Ex-factory date calculations)

  • Define Transportation Zones:

Routes default from previous step. Transportation Lead Times are entered in this step (which are used in Ex-factory date calculations)

  • Define Route Determination

Assign the Route to the Transportation zone combinations.

Route Determination calculation rules

Route determine by the system based on the below parameter:

Firstly, Country of departure (taken from the shipping point)

Secondly consideration will Country of destination ( of the ship-to-party)

Third point is shipping condition (from customer master)

Forth, Transportation Group (from material master) and if any Weight group (optional)                                                                                      
In a nutshell ,

Route by which the delivery item is to be delivered to the customer

Routes can be pre defined in the system. These are dependent on:

          Where the delivery comes from i.e. the country of the Vendor or manufacturer

          Where the delivery is going to i.e. the plant or the customer address

          Under what conditions the delivery is to take place i.e. Shipping conditions – via Road or Rail

Let’s understand Calculation rule for the Route determination

The route is calculated based on the following fields:

Determining the Origin:

The country, the Vendor, or the Manufacturer in conjunction with the following three fields from the vendor Informationrecords:

Transportation zone from which the goods are delivered

Transportation group

Shipping conditions like Sea or Air

In a procurement point view Determining the Destination:

This works in differently for the Direct Deliver and Non Direct PO’s:

In case of Direct Deliver PO’s, transportation zone of the customer and Country of the customer is derived from the customer master within SAP and inn case of Non Direct Deliver PO’s the transportation Zone and the country comes from the plant for which you wish to procure materials.

Based on the Origin, Destination and the shipping conditions defined in the Vendor Info Recs the system determines the route from the predefined set of routes in the configuration. Accordingly the delivery/ Ex factory dates are updated on the PO.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Item Category Determination in sales order

In Sales Document, Default item category propose by system automatically based on the below setting :-

Sales Documented Type  

Sales Document distinguishes different type of business processes represent in SAP system. Sales document type determines how the system process in sales processing

Item Categories group from Material Master

A group of material that have same Item categories. Based on this System automatically proposes an item category in the document. For example, Third party item Or Normal item

Item usages

This item usage indicator controls the system when you process a sales document item in a certain context For example. the any text items and packing items,

Higher Level Item categories  

 Higher Level Item categories influence main item category of the higher-level item determines the item category of related sub-items.

Based on the above data records system propose default item category for the document

Sales Documented Type  + Item Categories group from Material Master + Item usages + Higher Level Item categories  =Default item category