Sunday, 10 April 2016

Define Sales Document Types

Define Sales Document Types

This configuration setting enables creation or modification of sales document type. Sales document type is an indicator which enables system to process different business transactions in different ways. Various document types are pre-configured in system and can be used for various scenarios. There are three options for configuring new sales document types: 􀂃 Change existing sales document type 􀂃 Copy existing sales document type and change it to new requirements. 􀂃 Create a new sales document type. Definition and configuration of sales document type can be divided in three parts

1. Definition of Sales document type itself (with key e.g. QT etc.)
2. Definition of additional sales functions (like number ranges etc.)
3. Configuration for general SD functions (like pricing etc.) We will study the configuration of SAP provided sales document type for standard order ‘OR’. Instructions

Follow Menu Path:
 IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Type 

Click Here the three options explained in background are applicable. d. If existing Sales document type is to be modified, choose the document type from list and click on to get into details e. For copying existing sales document type to new one select the sales document type to be copied and click on or F2. f. For creating a new sales document type click on

Here we will follow option “a” and select order type OR and click on. To search for correct order type click on and enter the key. Following screen is displayed The controls are grouped in various blocks like Number Systems, General Control, Transaction flow etc. 2. Maintain the fields as explained below: The explanation is provided block wise

Field Name Field Description and Value Sales Document Type 4 character key for the sales document type. Description is next to it SD document categ. Classification of different types of documents in SD, used by system to determine how processing is to be carried out. Predefined following entries exist Indicator Sales document indicator for further classification if required. Sales document block Determines if sales order is blocked for creation or allows only automatic creation. Key fields are explained below:

Field Name Field Description and Value No Range int. assgnt No range to be used for sales

document numbers if assigned internally No Range ext. assg. No range to be used for sales

document numbers if assigned externally Item no. increment Increment of item no in sales
order like 10, 20 etc. Sub-item increment Increment of item no automatically by system Key fields are explained below: Field Name Field Description and Value Reference mandatory Control if reference is mandatory while creating sales document. Leave blank Check division Control on check if division differs at item & header level. Leave blank Probability Probability of customer confirming inquiry or quotation in sales order. Check Credit Limit Specifies if system runs credit check and behavior. Credit group Assignment of credit group defined in credit management

Output Application Normally V1 for sales Material entry type Control on material entry in sales order. Item division Check this if division is to be determined from material master record at item level Read Info record Check this if Customer material info records are to be read. Check purch order no. If Customer purchase order no is to be checked for duplication maintain ‘A’ Key fields explained below, rest are system copied. Field Name Field Description and Value Transaction group Grouping that controls certain characteristics of sales doc processing. Doc. pric. Procedure Key specifying pricing proc for sales document type. Input for pricing procedure determination Quotation messages Control to check if system should check for existing open quotations.

Outline agrmt messages Control to check if system should check for open agreements like contracts. Key fields explained below: Field Name Field Description and Value Delivery type Default delivery type for this sales document type Delivery block Default Delivery block for sales document Shipping conditions Default shipping condition for sales document type. Maintained if it is different from customer master record. Immediate delivery To be flag ‘X’ if immediate delivery is required after sales order is saved. Example - In Cash Sales and Rush order scenarios. Key fields explained below:

Field Name Field Description and Value Delivery rel. billing type Default billing type that system proposes while creating billing documents from delivery Order-related billing type Default billing type that system proposes while creating billing documents from order Inter-company billing type Default billing type that system proposes while creating billing documents for inter-company. Billing block To Default billing block in sales order like Credit memo etc. Billing plan type Billing plan type if used like Milestone or Periodic billing Paymt guarant. proc Procedure type for payment guarantee Paymt card plan type Payment plan type for payment cards Checking group Checking group for payment cards Key fields explained below: Field Name Field Description and Value Lead time in days No of days from current date for

proposal of requested delivery date of items. Propose deliv. Date Check box controls if current date is to be proposed as delivery date. Other controls like Scheduling agreement and Contract are relevant for only those sales document types and not explained here. Effect of Configuration Sales document type configured here would be used for creating sales order in specific scenario.

Shipping Point

Shipping points in SD represent an independent organizational unit that are linked to a plant. Shipping points show the point of departure or receipt of materials. In SAP, a plant may have many shipping points. However, delivery is created from one shipping point only. The shipping point is the basic requirement for a delivery to happen in SAP SD. No delivery can be made without a shipping point. The shipping point is determined by the system based on the shipping conditions.

The Delivery Process

SAP SD Sales & Distribution Concepts - The Delivery Process / Delivery Creation Process VL01 VL04

In SAP SD, one can create delivery either individually from a sales document or individually via the menu path or via the delivery due list. I am discussing each of these different types of deliveries in brief below. 

  • Creating an Individual Delivery Document
User can use the following menu path: Sales & Distribution >> Shipping >> Delivery >> Create. Otherwise this can be reached directly via Transaction Code VL01. At the time of delivery document creation, SAP SD will ask for shipping point, selection date, and sales document number in case delivery is to be created with reference to a sales order. 

  • Creating a Delivery via the Delivery Due List
 The following menu path can be used: Sales and Distribution >> Shipping >> Delivery >> Create Collective Processing Transaction Short Path is VL04. Delivery due list can be processed using either the stock transport orders or the sales orders. SAP SD automatically creates deliveries for selected sales orders. Some of the fields which can be selected include Distribution Channel, Division, Sales Office, Forwarding agent, Route, Sold to Party, Ship to Party, Delivery priority, delivery block, and Complete delivery