Saturday, 13 August 2016

Functionality of a condition Type

Price condition type can be control with the below selection ,

  • Access sequence :- specifies the corresponding access sequence of the condition type
  • Condition class:- Specifies the preliminary condition type that allows you to control each condition type differentlyEg:- A). discount or surcharge B). pricing C). insurance D). Tax
  • Plus/minus :- For a condition type if we specify “Negative” it becomes a discount , and if we specify “Positive” it becomes a surcharge
  •  Calculation Type :- Specifies how the system calculate the condition amount of a condition type. Eg. The system can calculate the price based on quantity weight or volume etc.
  • condition category :- Specifies a classification of condition according to the pre define category Eg;- all the condition that relate to fright and tax .
  • Rounding Rule :- Specifies the rule that determines how the system rounds off the condition value during pricing always the last digit will be rounded
  • Manual entries :- (C) Specifies whether the condition type can be entered manually or whether it has to be determine automatically during pricing in the sales document.
  •  Amount or percent : If we check this field the condition amount of condition type can be change during pricing in the sales document
  • Value :- If we check this field the condition value of condition type can be change during pricing in the sales document .
  • Delete :- If we check this field the condition type can be deleted during pricing in the sales document
  • Calculation Type :- If we check this field the calculation type of condition type can be change during pricing in the sales document.,the changes made to the calculation type applies for that particular item only for which it is changed
  • Item condition :- If we check this field for a condition type it becomes an item condition where it has to be entered at item level in the sales document the condition amount of an item condition will be applicable for that particular item only for which that condition type is entered.
  • Header condition :- (RB00) If we check this field for condition type, it become a header condition, where it has to be enter at header level in the sales document. The condition amount of a header condition will be copied as it is to all the items in the document. header condition type don’t have the any access sequence. after enter the header condition type in the sales document we have type select the button“Activate” in the down of the sales document
  • Group condition : (HB00) If we check this field for a header condition it becomes a group condition where the condition amount will not be copied as it is to all the item rather it will be distributed proposes among the items in the document
  • Valid From Specifies the begging and ending of the validity dates that the system
  • Valid To automatically proposes while maintaining the condition records for the condition type
  • Reference condition type:- specifies a condition type which can be used as reference so that the condition type will be copied to the other condition type Note:- before specifying reference condition type we have to specify reference application (V)
  • Scale basis :- Specifies how the system calculates the scale amount for a condition records Eg:- the scales can be calculated based on quantity weight volume etc.
  • Check value :- Specifies weight the scale rates must be enter in ascending and descending order

Pricing condition and usages

Please find few priceing condition type & their usage  

HM00 Manual order value-It allows us to enter order value manually the difference between the old and new order value is distributed between the items (by taking into the account net item value) taxes are re-determined for each item.

PN00 Net Price-The PN00 condition type in the standard system allows us to specify net price per item manually.

PMIN -Minimum Price-It is a surcharge. PMIN can be used to charge as a surcharge, if the system determines the line item price less than the predetermined price.

Minimum order values: AMIW and AMIZ- We can create a minimum value for each order using condition type AMIW.If the value in the order header falls shorter of this minimum order value during pricing, then the system will copy it as the net order value automatically.It is a statistical condition and group condition.Calculation formula 13 is assigned to AMIZ.That calculates minimum value surcharge by subtracting the net item value from minimum order value that isAMIW.

Discounts can be given on pallets KP00, KP01, KP02, and KP03

  • KP00 = Discounts on full pallets
  • KP01 = Incomplete pallet Surcharge
  • KP02 = Mixed Pallet Discount on Full Pallets- It accumulates the quantities of the individual items calculates discounts for complete pallet only.
  • KP03 = Surcharge for incomplete mixed Pallets- It accumulates the quantities of the individual items. It then calculates the surcharge on any fractional portion of the total quantity.

SKTO = Cash Discounts- It is used to retrieve the cash discount rate. It is used as a statistical value by the pricing procedure. Table T052 is accessed using condition category “E” and amount is calculated from the first percentage rate of the item payment terms.

Customer Expected Price- This price either entered manually in the order or retrieved from the incoming I DOC through EDI. Customer expected price differs from the automatically determined price or value by more than the maximum difference allowed. Then that will regard this order as incomplete when it is saved.

VPRS = Cost- It is used to retrieve the standard cost of the material. It is a statistical value

K029 = Group conditions- By defining a condition as a group condition we can maintain a single condition record for a number of materials. So that the materials are linked to condition record via “pricing group” field in material master, then system allocates the value from condition record according to its scale and applies to each item proportionately

DUPL = Duplicate condition DUPL is copied during pricing to the entire sub items assign to the main item. It makes sense to use this condition type only for BOM items and configurable material. Ex: Material 1 has 10% of condition type UDPL and it has sub items Ex:M2 and M3 during sales order processing the duplicate condition of 10% is displayed in components M2 and M3.

KUMU = Cumulative condition It enables the end user to display the total of the net value of an item and the sub items that belongs to that item.Cumulative conditions cannot be used as a header conditions.

Gross Price -The gross price is relevant when selling goods to end customer.The pricing procedure RVAB02 is available as a reference for this sales process.

MWI1 -Determination of tax contained in price 

MWI2 -Determination of tax contained in discounts

Group condition in Priceing condition

Priceing group condition section in Priceing document

Group condition: It indicates whether the system calculates the basis for the scale value for more than one item in a documented: If a sales order contains two items and both items belongs to the material group 01. The group condition indication typeset in the definition of condition type for material group discount. [Ex: K020]. Then the condition record for material group 01 includes the following pricing scale like [From 1 PC- 1% From 200 PC -2%].Then the order has been placed for 150 and 100 quantities for each material. Then system takes the total quantity as 250 and applies discount 2% as both materials belongs to same material. If those materials not belong to one group, then group condition cannot be applied and system cannot apply the discount value.

Rounding difference comparison: It is an indicator that controls whether rounding difference is settled for group conditions with a group key routine. That means the system compares the condition value at header level with the total of the condition values at item level. Then the difference is added to the largest item.

Group condition routine: We can specify the routine to the group condition type [Ex: 1 Total document] to meet the business requirement like, if the total weight of the materials of order exceeds certain weight then only the  Sold – to – party eligible to have certain discount amount.