Friday, 28 August 2015
Transaction list SD Module
Transaction Description | Transaction Code |
Material Master (MM) | |
Material Master Create | MM01 |
Material Master Change | MM02 |
Material Master Display | MM03 |
Enter storage location for existing mat. | MMSC |
Sales Representative Creation | |
Create/Change/Display sales representative | VPE1/VPE2/VPE3 |
Material Determination | |
Create/Change/Display Material Substitution | VB11/VB12/VB13 |
Reference Material Substitution | VB14 |
Price Master Maintenance | |
Create/Change/Display Condition | VK11/VK12/VK13 |
Create Condition with Reference | VK14 |
Create Condition Records | XK15 |
Condition Record Maintenance - Create/Change/Display | TK11/TK12/TK13 |
Create/Change/Display condition Records | MEK1/MEK2/MEK3 |
Output Determination | |
Create/Change/Display Output: Sales | VV11/VV12/VV13 |
Create/Change/Display Output: Shipping | VV21/VV22/VV23 |
Create/Change/Display Output : Billing | VV31/VV32/VV33 |
Ceate/Change/Display output : Delivery | VV71/VV72/VV73 |
Print Tag | ZMMT |
Sticker Printing | ZMRP |
Customer Inquiry | |
Create/Change/Display Inquiry | VA11/VA12/VA13 |
Inquiries list | VA15 |
List of Incomplete Inquiries | V.03 |
Quotation Creator | |
Create/Change/Display Quotation | VA21/VA22/VA23 |
Quotations list | VA25 |
Collective Processing for Quotations | VA26 |
List of Incomplete Quotations | V.04 |
Expiring Quotations | SDQ1 |
Expired Quotations | SDQ2 |
Completed Quotations | SDQ3 |
Sales Order Creator | |
Create/Change/Display Sales Order | VA01/VA02/VA03 |
List of Sales Orders | VA05 |
Compare Sales - Purchasing (Order) | VA07 |
Sales Order Error Log | V.01 |
List of Incomplete Sales Orders | V.02 |
Display Incoming Orders | V.12 |
Sales Orders Blocked for Delivery | V.14 |
Display Backorders | V.15 |
Select Orders on Hand | V.17 |
Backorder Processor | |
Updating backorders | CO06 |
List of Backorders | V_R1 |
Backorder Processing: Selection List | V_RA |
Updating Unconfirmed Sales Documents | V_V1 |
Updating Sales Documents by Material | V_V2 |
Display List of Backorders | V_R2 |
Delivery Creation | |
Create/Change/Display Outbount Delivery | VL01/VL02/VL03 |
Process Delivery Due List | VL04 |
Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref. | VL01N |
Edit User-specific Delivery List | VL10 |
Sales Orders Due for Delivery | VL10A |
Order Items Due for Delivery | VL10C |
Order Schedule Lines due for Deliv. | VL10E |
Purchase Orders Due for Delivery | VL10B |
Purch. Order Items due for Delivery | VL10D |
PurchOrd Schedule Lines due for Dlv. | VL10F |
Documents due for Delivery | VL10G |
Items Due for Delivery | VL10H |
Schedule Lines due for Delivery | VL10I |
VL10 Background planning | VL10BATCH |
Change Outbound Delivery | VL02N |
Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split | VLSP |
Display Outbound Delivery | VL03N |
Outbound Delivery Monitor | VL06O |
General delivery list - Outb.deliv. | VL06F |
List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue | VL06G |
Outbound Deliveries to be Loaded | VL06L |
List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking | VL06P |
List Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning) | VL06T |
Output from Outbound Deliveries | VL71 |
Group Delivey | |
Group Delivery - Create/Change/Display | VG01/VG02/VG03 |
Proof of Delivery Updation | |
POD - Change Outbound Delivery | VLPOD |
POD - Display Outbound Delivery | VLPODA |
Worklist: POD Deliveries | VLPODL |
Worklist: POD Subsequent Processing | VLPODF |
Goods Issue Processor | |
Post goods issue in background | VL21 |
Goods Issue (Background Processing) | VL23 |
Goods Issue Cancellation | |
Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note | VL09 |
Shipment | |
Create/Change/Display Shipment | VT01N/VT02N/VT03N |
Transportation Worklist | VT04 |
Collective run in background | VT07 |
Output for Shipments | VT70 |
Select Shipments: Utilization | VT14 |
Select Shipments: Free Capacity | VT15 |
Display Change-Document Shipment | VT22 |
Shipment Status list | VT32 |
Worklist Shipping: Logs | VT05 |
Ext. transport. planning deliveries | VT61 |
Select Shipments: Check In | VT16 |
Select Shipments: Transpt Processing | VT12 |
Shipment creation for Export Spare parts | ZMER |
Shipment Cost Settlement | |
Create/Change/Display shipment costs | VI01/VI02/VI03 |
Create/Change shipment cost worklist | VI04/VI05 |
Collective run in background | VI06 |
Collective run in background | VI07 |
List shipment costs: Calculation | VI11 |
List shipment costs: Settlement | VI12 |
Logs for worklist shipment | VI16 |
Billing Creator | |
Create/Change/Display Billing Document | VF01/VF02/VF03 |
Process Billing Due List | VF04 |
List billing documents | VF05 |
Batch billing | VF06 |
Display bill. document from archive | VF07 |
Output from Billing Documents | VF31 |
Revenue recognition worklist | VF44 |
Release Billing docs | VFX3 |
Billing Cancellatin | VF11 |
Sales Plan | |
Create/Change/Display Sales Plan | MD61/MD62/MD63 |
Enter Transfer posting | MB1B |
Enter Transfer posting | MB1C |
Cancel Material Document | MBST |
Excise Invoice | |
Excise Invoice CREATOR | J1IIN |
Excise Invoice CREATOR | J1IDUELIST |
Excise Invoice CREATOR | J1IDOCFLOW |
Excise Invoice CHANGER | J1IIN |
Excise Invoice reprinter | J1IP |
Purchase Order | |
Create/Change/Display Purchase Order | ME21N/ME22N/ME23N |
Goods Receipt Updater | |
Goods Receipt Updater | MIGO |
Post Goods recipt | MB0A |
Stock Overview | MMBE |
Display Material document | MB03 |
Display Customer | XD03 |
SD General DISPLAY | ME33 |
SD General DISPLAY | ME33N |
Dispplay Scheduling agreement | ME33L |
Material Document List | MB51 |
Transfer posting updator | YTRP |
Transfer posting updator | YTRPCPY |
Goods Receipt Updater | MIGO_GR |
Include for program ZMVE1800 & 1760 | ZMBI1 |
ME9F | |
To make GR along with despatch | ZMBO |
Equipment Status Changer | |
Create/Change/Display Equipment | IE01/IE02/IE03 |
Display Equipment | IE05 |
Letter of Credit | |
Create/Change/Display LC | VX11N/VX12N/VX13N |
Sales Activity Creator | VC01N |
Text Maintainance | SO10 |
Route Maintainance | OVTC |
Create/Change/Display customer | VD01/VD02/VD03 |
Export Bond Mgt Despatch/Finance | ZT1 |
Exchange rate creator | ZOB08 |
SD reports | ZMAUTHORIS |
Scheduling Agreement | |
Create/Change/Display Scheduling Agreement | VA31/VA32/VA33 |
Excise Invoice printer | Z2IP |
Sales Deal | |
Create/Change/Display :Sales Deal | VB21/VB22/VB23 |
Display:Sales Deal | VB25 |
General Roles | |
Sales Document - Block Sales Order | VKM3 |
SD Documents | VKM4 |
Delivery | VKM5 |
zsdr | ZSDR |
zsdm | ZSDM |
Reporting (tree structure) : Execute | SARP |
Display of Stock in transit | MB5T |
Display consignment and return packaging at customer | MB58 |
Stock in transit for serialised material | ZMR1 |
RSO Gate Pass | ZMGP |
Body Building STM | ZMBB |
Customer Info Record | |
Create/Change/Display Cut Info record | VD51/VD25/VD53 |
Display Cut Info record | VD54 |
Sales Information System | |
SIS: Customer,Inc.Orders - Selection | MC(A |
SIS: Customer Returns, Selection | MC+A |
SIS: Customer Credit Memos - Selec. | MC+I |
SIS: Sales Activity - Selection | MCTV01 |
Call Up Indiv. Customer Prices List | MCV6 |
SIS: Material,Inc.Orders - Selection | MC(E |
SIS: Material Returns, Selection | MC+M |
SIS: Material, Sales - Selection | MC+Q |
SIS: Material Credit Memos, Selec. | MC+U |
SIS: SalesOrg. Inc.Orders Selection | MC(I |
SIS: Sales Org. Returns, Selection | MC+Y |
SIS: SalesOrg.Invoiced Sales, Selec. | MC+2 |
SIS: SalesOrg.Credit Memos Selection | MC+6 |
SIS: Sales Office, Inc.Orders Selec. | MC(M |
SIS: Sales Office Returns, Selection | MC-A |
SIS: Sales Office - Sales Selection | MC-E |
SIS: Sales Office Credit Memos Selec | MC-I |
SIS: Employee, Inc.Orders Selection | MC(Q |
SIS: Employee - Returns, Selection | MC-M |
SIS: Employee - Sales, Selection | MC-Q |
SIS: Employee - Credit Memos, Selec. | MC-U |
SIS: Shipping Point Deliveries Sel. | MC(U |
SIS: Shipping Point Returns, Selec. | MC-0 |
SIS: Sales Promotions - Selection | MCTV02 |
SIS: Address List - Selection | MCTV03 |
Credit Master Sheet | F.35 |
SIS: Variant Configuration | MC(B |
Customer Analysis Invoiced Sales | MC+E |
Material Analysis .Stock | MC.9 |
Storage Location Analysis | MCBC |
Customer Analysis | MCTA |
Material Analysis .Stock | MCTC |
Sales Organisation Analysis | MCTE |
Sales Office Analysis | MCTG |
Sales Employee Analysis | MCTI |
Shipping point Analysis | MCTK |
SIS: Address Counter - Selection | MCTV04 |
Call Up Price List w.Stepped Display | MCV5 |
Call Up List of Price Groups | MCV7 |
Call Up Material/MatPrcGroup List | MCV8 |
Orders within time period | SD01 |
Sales Organisation Structure | |
Sales Organisation - Definition | OVX5 |
Distribution Channel - Definition | OVXI |
Maintain Sales Office | OVX1 |
Define Shipping Points | OVXD |
Maintain Transportation Planning Point | OVXT |
Maintain Loading Point | OVX7 |
Assign Sales Org. to Company Code | OVX3 |
Assign Distribution Channels to S Org. | OVXK |
Define Division | OVXV |
Assign Division to S Org. | OVXA |
Set up Sales Area | OVXG |
Assign Sales Office to sales area | OVXM |
Assign Plant to S Org /Dist.Ch. | OVX6 |
Assign Shipping Point to Plant | OVXC |
Sales & Distribution | |
Set up Common Distribution channel | VOR1 |
Set up Common Division | VOR2 |
Define Customer Groups | OVS9 |
Define Sales Districts | OVR0 |
Define Delivery priority | OVSD |
Define Terms of payment | OBB8 |
Define Incoterms | OVSG |
SD Pricing Control, Taxation, Account Assignment | |
Define Condition Types | V/06 |
Maintain pricing procedure | V/08 |
Maintain Customer determination procedure | OVKP |
Maintain document pricing procedure | OVKI |
Assign DoPP to Order type | OVKJ |
Assign DoPP to Billing type | OVTP |
Pricing Procedure determination | OVKK |
Tax determination procedure | OVK1 |
Assign Plant for Tax determination | OVK6 |
Customer Taxes: tax relevancy | OVK3 |
Material Taxes: tax relevancy | OVK4 |
Material Account assignment Group | OVK5 |
Customer Account assignment Group | OVK8 |
Assign condition type to access sequence | V/09 |
Account determination procedure | V/11 |
Billing doc type – account assignment procedure | OV33 |
SD Availability Check, Transfer of Demand, Transportation Planning | |
Define requirement Class | OVZG |
Assign Requirement Type to Class | OVZH |
Determination of Requirement Class | OVZI |
Procedure for Schedule Line category | OVZ8 |
Define Scope of Availability check | OVZ9 |
Sales doc – to delivery scheduling + transportation planning | OVLY |
Scheduling at shipping point | OVLZ |
Define Pick / pack time | OVLV |
Define Loading time | OVLL |
Define Transit time for routes | OVL5 |
Define Transportation lead time for routes | OVL1 |
SD Credit Limit Check | |
Credit limit check at document level | OVAK |
Define Credit groups | OVA6 |
Credit limit check at delivery level | OVAD |
Credit limit check at item category level | OVA7 |
Automatic Credit control | OVA8 |
Create order type | VOV8 |
Allowed order type for Sales area | OVAZ |
Allowed item category | VOV7 |
Item category assignment | VOV4 |
Define Schedule line category | VOV6 |
Assign Schedule line category | |
Define Billing date (milestone billing) | OVBJ |
Assign billing plan type to Sales Doc | OVBP |
Maintain copy control Sales document to Sales documents | VTAA |
Maintain copy control Sales Document to billing document | VTAF |
Assign Shipping Point | OVL2 |
Define Routes | VORD |
Routes determination, Define transportation group | VORF |
Actual route determination | OVLM |
Define delivery type | 0VLK |
Define item category for delivery | 0VLP |
Item category determination in delivery | |
Create delivery block | OVLX |
Delivery block reasons | OVLS |
Specify copy control for delivery | VTLA |
Relevance for picking | OVLP |
Assign picking location | OVL3 |
Packing control by Item category | VLPP |
Delivery Due List Work-list variant creation | VOL1 |
Define transportation relevance | OVTR |
Define transportation relevance to item category | OVTL |
Define shipment type | 0VTK |
Define billing type | VOFA |
Maintain copy control for billing document to delivery note | VTFL |
SD SIS, Planning, Product Allocation | |
Create Info Structure | MC21 |
Maintain update definition for info structure | MC24 |
Set planning parameter for info structure | |
Set Planning Plant | |
Set proportional distribution across plant | MC60 |
Define planning type | MC7A |
Copy, Delete Version of Info Structure | MC8A |
Statistical set up for Orders | OLIX |
Statistical set up for Deliveries | OLI7 |
Statistical set up for Billing. | OLI8 |
Statistical set up for Storage location stock | OLI9 |
Set up copy profile | OLI2 |
Maintain assignment profile | MC9D |
SD India Version | J1IT |
Logistic Eexcution - Output determination for Outbound Deliveries (Set Up STO) | |
Set up purchasing organisation | OX08 |
Assign Purchasing org to company code | OX01 |
Assign Purchasing Organisation to plant | OX17 |
Assign default purchasing Org to plant | OMKI |
Create Purchasing Groups | OME4 |
Set up stock transport order | OMGN |
Create Purchasing doc types | OMEC |
Create delivery types | 0VLK |
Create billing type | VOFA |
Assign delivery type/ checking rule | OMGN |
Purchasing Doc type | OMGN |
Assign internal customer to SO | OVVA |
Copy control from delivery to billing | VTFL |
Copy control from order to delivery | VTLA |
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Process Flow Sales and distribution
Process Flow Sales
and distribution
Pre-sales activities (inquiry, quotation)
When a Customer asks or
requests information Request for Quotation (RFQ) document about the products or
services he needs, the sales personnel can input that request creating an
Inquiry document. An Inquiry is an internal document that records the
information about request from prospective customer for internal use only. In
an inquiry, we record some information such as: which customer that request
information, what products or services customer needs, how many products or
services customer needs, we can created standard inquiry with transition code
Document type IN
a Quotation is a document that
contains information about the offering to the customer, such as which customer
that been offered, what and how many products or services that been offered to
the customer, how much the price of the products or services, when the delivery
date of the products or services, how the term of payment that been offered to
the customer, the validity date of the offering, etc. A Quotation can be
created by referring to the Inquiry document (if any) or not, depends on the
business scenario defined. We can create Quotation with “VA21” t-code.
Document type QT
Order processing
After we send the quotation to the customers, they
will do their purchasing procedure to determine from where they will purchase
the products or services. If needed, they may negotiate with us about our
quotation in terms of price, terms of payment, delivery date, or something
else. We may send an updated quotation based on the negotiation. If they decide
to purchase the material or service from us, they will send us a Purchase Order
(PO). Then we create a Sales Order (SO) that refers to the Quotation sent to
the customers before. We can put the customer’s PO number in our SO.
SO must contain the information of:
Materials or services sold to the customer
Quantity of materials or services
Pricing condition of materials or services
Delivery dates
Shipping processing, such as the incoterms, etc.
Billing processing, such as terms of payment, etc.
Inventory Sourcing
To fulfil the products requirement from an SO at the required date, we can obtain them by one of these options:
- External procurement from vendor
- Internal
production order
Delivery/ Shipping
Once the products are available at stock, then we can start shipping
activities by creating an outbound delivery document Delivery Order. A Delivery
can be created by referring to an Sales order. We can create pick /pack /loading (optional)
We can post the Goods Issue that refers to a DO with “VL02N” t-code.
The customer will receive the products at the delivery date promised in
SO document.
The finance department will generate a billing document and send an invoice form to the customer. The invoice will request the customer to pay the products we have sent at the price condition and terms of payment we have agreed in SO document.
We can create Billing document with “VF01” t-code.
The finance department will generate a billing document and send an invoice form to the customer. The invoice will request the customer to pay the products we have sent at the price condition and terms of payment we have agreed in SO document.
We can create Billing document with “VF01” t-code.
Sales documents you create are individual documents but they can also
form part of a chain of inter-related documents.
The entire chain of documents – the inquiry, the quotation, the sales
order, the delivery, the invoice, creates a document flow or history Inquiry
and quotation management in the Sales Information System.
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Hybris Marketing ecommerce solution
Recently ,we have see a
huge shift in demand towards Hybris especially after the SAP acquisition
There are three big ecommerce solutions is ATG, Hybris ,WCE
Hybris is prefered for
small && medium scaled companies , while ATG is still prefered & best
for large scale companies, Most of the companies fall under middle scale
Now What is hybris Marketing
Hybris is a popular eCommerce platform. An SAP company, it is rated among the top enterprise suites for eCommerce solutions
The future of digital is an integration
between sales force, customized campaigns, relevant social content, contextual
and targeted marketing, e-Commerce capabilities, service support etc, resulting
in a unified digital experience. Improving
customer experiences and building loyalty are crucial aspects contributing to
the customer acquisition, retention and increase in profitable customers.
SAP Customer Engagement & Commerce
(CEC) merges the traditional and comprehensive on premise SAP CRM, the modern
and cloud-based Cloud for Customer portfolio and it’sproven omni channel
commerce solution hybris. Mobile Applications and the high performance with
help of SAP HANA Platform.
comes with pre-packaged integrations to SAP ERP and SAP CRM, Mobile interfaces,
social media features.The integrated set
of applications which are used in SAP CEC facilitates a seamless,
‘one-stop-shop’ or Omni-channel commerce experience.
is one of the most common ecommance platform on internet .Hybris is Java based technology.
It’s very powerful & flexible tool which is suitable for any mid as well as
large retailer to bulidthere presence in online marketing
Domains contain as below
Ø Online
Ø Online
Ø Product
Product mgmt
Compliance mgmt.
Ø Capacity
mgmt.-infra structure mgmt
Hybris modules and technology frame
work as shown
SAP hybris
marketing solution is key to the SAP solution for customer engagement and
commerce portfolio of products and services. Its sits along sidelong side SAP hubris
commerce suite and sap cloud for customer with better experience enabling
marketing services and sales function of B2B and B2C companies
E-Commerce perspective of Hybris
application and its interface to SAP ECC via Integrated Customer cloud integration
and replication to CRM
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