Sunday, 27 March 2016

Intercompany Stock Transfer

 Inter company stock transfer involves transfer of stock from one plant to another wherein the plants belong to different company codes.

          The ordering/receiving plant places a stock transport order on the delivering plant.

          The delivering plant then creates a delivery document on the basis of the purchase order received.

          The delivering plant then bills the receiving plant by means of inter company billing.

          An incoming invoice with reference to the purchase order can be posted in the following ways -
          Manually, after the invoice has been checked.
          Automatically, with an internal billing document via SAP EDI.

          As the supplying and receiving plants belong to different company codes, document type – NB, is configured for the required combination of supplying and receiving plants.

          A physical stock transfer is then carried out with delivery and billing document.

          Depending on the supplying and issuing plants, the stock transfer can be executed according to the one-step or two-step procedure.

          With the one-step-procedure, the goods receipt in the receiving plant is posted at the same time as the goods issue in the issuing plant.

          With the two-step procedure is to be used, the goods receipt is posted as soon as the goods are received in the receiving plant

          Configurations are done to determine whether an SD delivery is to be created in the case of a PO for the required combination of supplying plant and document type.

          Delivery type is assigned to replenishment delivery for cross-company stock transfer.
          The delivery type determines how a delivery is to be handled.

          In case, stock transfers are created with a billing document, the delivery type 'NLCC' is used. The delivery type 'NL' is used for stock transfers without a billing document

Before processing inter company stock transfer ,Transnational data needs to maintain as  below

          Assign Internal Customer number:
            An internal customer number for the particular sales area is assigned to the receiving plant. This customer number is used to represent the plant when an inter company invoice is created.

          Define Shipping Data for Plants:
            The shipping data is maintained for plants for stock transfer processing. Sales area is defined for the supplying plant, with the help of which the system determines the shipping data for the material to be transferred (e.g. the shipping point).