Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Item Category Determination in sales order

In Sales Document, Default item category propose by system automatically based on the below setting :-

Sales Documented Type  

Sales Document distinguishes different type of business processes represent in SAP system. Sales document type determines how the system process in sales processing

Item Categories group from Material Master

A group of material that have same Item categories. Based on this System automatically proposes an item category in the document. For example, Third party item Or Normal item

Item usages

This item usage indicator controls the system when you process a sales document item in a certain context For example. the any text items and packing items,

Higher Level Item categories  

 Higher Level Item categories influence main item category of the higher-level item determines the item category of related sub-items.

Based on the above data records system propose default item category for the document

Sales Documented Type  + Item Categories group from Material Master + Item usages + Higher Level Item categories  =Default item category