A tax is a financial charge or other levy imposed on an
individual or a legal entity by a state or a functional equivalent of a state.
There are many types of taxes, in Business Scenarios. The
very relevant one are Input Taxes & Output Taxes
- Input Taxes are during Purchasing Transactions
- Output Taxes are during Sales Transactions
Every Country has its own set of Taxes levied when Sales
takes place. The tax calculations are likely to be complex in nature and can
have very adverse effect on the bottom line. Hence it is important to have
clear understanding of relevant taxes What is sold, Where is it sold, How is it
sold & When is it sold can influence
relevant taxes
In US the taxes are at Jurisdiction LevelIn UK the taxes are considered as VATIn India there are Local Sales Tax and Central Sales Tax & VAT
Usages of tax
- Output Taxes are a type of a Sales Tax when Sales Activity takes place.
- Output Taxes are of two Types:- Domestic Taxes & Export Taxes
- When sales activity takes place, output taxes are levied to the customer.
- The output Tax revenue is collected and then paid to the respective government authority as the case may be.
- This functionality of output Taxes helps us in calculating the taxes for various types of scenarios, accounting of tax and payments to the government authority.
- Customers are charged output Taxes depending whether the customer is a domestic customer or an export customer.
- In most of the countries, the output Taxes for Exports are ZERO.
- VAT is a type of an output Tax which is uniform in the entire country.
Tax procedure
▪ Every
country has its own set of output Taxes
▪ The challenges faced are to calculate the
Taxes in these various scenarios
Like in the US, the taxes are at
Jurisdiction Level
In UK, the taxes are simple which is termed as
In India, there are states with VAT and there are states with other local
& central taxes i.e. LST / CST
▪ The system should calculate the taxes properly
and are to be paid to the government authorities, so this is a STATUTORY
▪ Proper maintenance of Master Data pertaining
to Taxes
▪ Proper accounting of Taxes , GL accounts, Tax
▪ Statutory Reporting on Taxes
Output Taxes in Country
- Each
country has its own set of rules for calculation of Output Taxes
- In
this courseware, we shall cover the mapping of Output Taxes in three countries:-
- In
U.S.A., the taxes are related to the Jurisdiction code which is a
combination of pin code & region.
- The
Jurisdiction code is stored in the customer master.
- The
Jurisdictions (State, County, Town or lower) are several levels
- The
Taxes are:-
Domestic Taxes
Export Taxes
Tax in UK
- In
U.K., the output taxes are called as VAT(Value Added Taxes)
- The
taxes are subdivided into Domestic and Exports.
For U.K., the tax condition type is MWST in
- Domestic
– Within U.K. e.g. sale is from UK to UK 17.5 % VAT
- Exports
– It is further subdivided into:-
Exports to European Countries
▪ i.e.
from Great Britain to France which is 0%
Exports to Non-European Countries
▪ i.e.
from Great Britian to U.S. which is 0%
Tax in India
- In India, in SAP, there
are 2 types of output Taxes:-
Domestic Taxes
Taxes (Zero Taxes)
- Under Domestic Taxes, the state may be
relevant for
VAT or not
relevant for VAT.
- If the state is relevant for VAT, then it
will be either
e.g. Maharashtra
under VAT. e.g. Maharashtra to Karnataka
- If the state is not relevant for VAT,then
it will be
LST(Local Sales Tax) e.g. sales from within
the same state i.e. within Tamilnadu
CST(Central Sales Tax) e.g. sale from one
state to another i.e. Tamilnadu to Karnataka