Saturday, 13 August 2016

Controls of Schedule line category in SD

Here are some controls of schedule line category 

Schedule line category controls -Transation Code _VOV6

Delivery block: We can specify delivery block that the system applies automatically during processing.Ex: We can specify delivery block for all free of charge deliveries as these documents have to be approved before processing.

Movement type: [601] = GD goods issue: delivery.Inventory management for goods movement into different purposes uses this movement. Goods movement is nothing but a physical or logical movement of materials leading to a change in stock levels is resulting in the consumption of the material.

Movement type 1 – step: It is used for inter company billing movement type.

Order type: It is a purchase order type. Ex: Document type NB can be assigned. In individual purchase order and third party sales order system automatically creates purchase requisition. So as to create it automatically purchase requisition document type should be assigned here.

Item category: We can specify the item category for purchase requisition documents.
Ex: “0” for individual purchase orders and “5” for third party orders.

Account assignment category: We can assign account assignment category for third party and individual purchase order transactions. So that respective accounts get updated.Check item relevant for delivery: It indicates the document item is relevant for delivery and it causes to create delivery document.

Purchase requisition delivery schedule: In third party and individual purchase orders the vendor supplies materials to the end customer through the company or directly. When the vendor has to send the materials the

business requires certain time for goods receiving process. The time can be specified as a delivery schedule lines in purchasing documents. This indicator creates those schedule lines in purchase requisition documents.

Incompletion procedure: [30] = Delivery relevant schedule line.Incompletion procedure has been defined and assigned to the schedule line category CP. System follows this in completion procedure and remains the end user if do not maintain any values in schedule line category fields before saving the document.

Check transfer of requirements (Req. / Assembly): Requirements of sales document whether individual or summarized should be transfer to MRP by system automatically to create demand.Check availability check: If the system has to carryout availability check for materials and quantities in the sales order it should be checked.

Product allocation: Through product allocation we can allocate products for customers evenly.