Saturday, 16 April 2016

SAP SD Intercompany Sales Processing & Billing

In SAP sales & distribution module, an inter company sales occurs when the selling organization belongs to a different company code than the delivering plant. The transaction path for accessing inter company sales billing is: 

IMG >> Sales and distribution >> Billing >> Intercompany billing 

Let us take an example to understand inter company sales better. Suppose there are two company codes namely 1000 and 2000. A customer may place an order for goods in sales organization belonging to company code 3000. However, the goods may be manufactured by a delivering plant belonging the company code 1000. A sales order is created indicating delivering plant of company code 1000. The sales organization then invoices the customer for the materials purchased. SAP R/3 automatically creates an inter company billing document at the same time as the customer’s billing document is created. This inter company invoice is sent from the delivering plant to the selling sales organization. 

As a rule of thumb, when dealing with different company codes, one may find a need to transfer stock between two different company codes. However, if the stock be transferred within the same company code, there is no need for an inter company transaction. But in case the stock is transferred between different company codes, a transfer of value occurs and is an inter company sale.

SD Variant Configuration

Variant configuration is used where you have a configurable material like computer (made up of components like processor, monitor, keyboard, mouse etc). These components are called as characteristics in variant config. Again this will be having values like processor can be either P4 or P3, monitor can be 15" or 17" etc. 

Based on the values selected the variant pricing will happen using the condition type VA00. 

Possible questions you can expect are: 

- What is variant configuration? 
- What is characteristic? 
- What is value? 
- What is class? 
- What is configuration profile? 
- What is dependency and what are the types? 
- What is a variant table? 
- And the transaction codes for the above.

The procedure is as follows: 

  • Create a Material - KMAT type with Item category (002) 

  • Create Charateristics in CT04 - Zbike, where in values mention the Color of the bile like Red, Blue etc 

  • Create another characteristics in CT04 - ZPrice, where directly go the additional data tab and maintain the table SDCOM and field VKOND (ABAP Dictionary it will ask for) 

  • Assign these two characteristics to a Class in CL01 - ZBikeclass ( Type 300) in characteristics tab page. 

  • Then go to CU41 Configuration profile select the material and enter the description click on the class assignment ie assign Zbikclass. 

  • Now go back to CT04 - enter Zbike -go to values- select Red- go to extras - Other Dependencies - Select Procedure enter in front 10 write - $self.ZPrice='Red' and save 

  • Now go back go to extras - Other Dependencies - assignments and assign relationship ( by default it will come just save) 

  • Now select Blue- go to extras - Other Dependencies - Editor - Select Procedure enter in front of 10 write - $self.ZPrice='Blue' and save 

  • Now go back go to extras - Other Dependencies - assignments and assign relationship ( by default it will come just save) 

  • Now go to VK11 - Enter VA00 (Condition)(For Std RVA001 Pricing Procedure) - enter variant Red and Blue give the rates accordingly and create the sales order.

Multi-level Packaging in Delivery

Before creating the packaging material you have to go to: 

IMG-Logistics Execution-Shipping -Packing.

  • Define packaging material types- it can be anything like boxes crates, etc. in this you have to maintain the output determination procedure, output type, plant determination, packaging material category, generate delivery items, number assignment. you can copy from standard also.

  • Then go to define material group for packaging materials - here you maintain the four digit code and the description. Actually, this group is nothing but similar products which require similar packing products. For Ex. Nokia Phones all types they are basically packed first into a polythene bag. So here nokia phones can become a material group for packaging materials and polythene bag can become the packaging material type which can include different sizes and types of polythene bags.

  • Define Allowed Packaging Materials - Here you assign the shipping group for packaging materials to the packaging material type. This is related to your material master data of the packaging material which you create.

  • Now go to MM01 to create a packaging material. use material type as Packaging material then inside the system will take the item category group as VERP. Then in the Basic Data1 screen you have the material group for packaging material (MGPM). Select the proper one. Now in the Sales:General/ Plant screen you have to maintain data regarding the packaging. you select the MGPM same as the basic data 1 screen, then select the packaging material type, the allowed pkh weight, allowed pkg volume. This is important because if the weight of your finished item is 2 KG and in the allowed pkg weight you enter only 1.5 KG, then while you carry out the packing process in delivery, the system will give you error," packaging weight exceeded." The assignment in the IMG creen for Define allowed packaging materials should be same as u mention in the material master. Then save your material master for packaging material.

  • VA01 create the order, save it.

  • VL01N enter shipping point, go to edit - pack- you will face a screen with 2 parts. In the top part you select your packaging material in which you want to pack your finished item, enter the system will assign a number to that material. Now select the Material in the top part and the finished one in the lower part and click on the Icon Pack. Here one thing has to be taken care of. Suppose if you want to pack only one finished item in one packaging material, then in the lower part of the screen you have a field for partial quantity here you change it to 1. system will prompt quantity changed. now you select the material in the top part and the one in the lower part and click on the PER PART. QTY ICON. In this way the system will pack only one finished item in a single packaging material. Packing is done go back, select the picking and do the PGI. save the delivery and create the invoice.

  • HANDLING UNITS. (Used for Multi level packing) Basically handling units come into picture when you want to carry out multi level packing. suppose you want to pack Nokia phone first into a polythene bag, then this polythene bag is again packed in to box. like that. then this box will become a handling unit. For this go to : 

IMG - Logistics General - Handling Unit Management - Basics. 

First create all your packing materials using MM01 and type as packaging material. Maintain all the assignments in IMG in Logistics General.

In basics you do the same thing as you did in the packing in logistics execution. like you create the packaging material type, then MGPM and their assignment.
Then go to External Identification - and maintain the number ranges for the handling units that you want and assign the same to your packaging material type.
Now that you have done everything, create the order, save it, in VL01N, enter shipping point, go to edit - pack - do the same thing as i have told you in the step no. 6 (above). now after doing select the PACK HUs TAB . NOW IN THIS SCREEN IN THE TOP PART YOU WILL SEE THE ALREADY PACKED MATERIAL. In that same part again select your next packaging material that is BOX. enter the system will assign the number to the BOX.
Now select the material which you have just entered and the materials which were already packed in the lower part of the screen and click on the ICON PACK.
In the same way again in the top part of the screen you select your next level packaging material and press enter. the system will assign a number to it. now select the material you have just entered and the previously packed material in the lower part of the screen and click on the icon PACK.
In this way you can carry out multilevel packing. just take care of the allowed packing weight and the number of units you have to pack in the next packaging material.