Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Output Determination in SD

The output determination component is used for output control. Output control is used to exchange information with internal and external partners.

Output determination in sales and distribution allows you to control proposal using assignments and groupings in such a way that the system selects the output allowed in each sales transaction and carries out output processing according to predefined criteria.

In the SAP System there are two possible ways of controlling output determination for each output:

Proposal of output from the customer master record.

Proposal of output using the condition technique.

SAP recommends the output proposal using the condition technique. This is because it is much more flexible than taking the proposal via the customer master. For example, the condition technique makes it possible to determine the most suitable output from several different types of output.

The output determination also involves

Condition Table

Access Sequence

Condition Types

Output Determination Procedure

Output Determination Procedure Assignment

1) Condition Table-TCode V/57

SPRO Path -IMG - SD - Basic Function - Output Control - Output Determination using Condition Technique - Output Determination for Sales Documents - Maintain Condition Table

You have to define combination of fields for which you want condition records in condition tables of output. Provided existing standard condition tables does not meet your requirement. In case of new condition table enter name of condition table, the number of table must be starting from 900. Select the fields for table from allowed fields and generate new condition table.

2) Access Sequence

SPRO Path IMG - SD - Basic Function - Output Control - Output Determination using Condition Technique - Output Determination for Sales Documents - Maintain Access Sequence

You have to define new access sequence by copying existing one and change to your requirement, provided standard access sequence does not meet you requirement. It is search strategy which system uses to find out condition records stored in condition tables for condition types. Unlike pricing, all output type has access sequence. Therefore, you maintain output condition record for all output types.

3) Output Types TCode V/30

SPRO Path IMG - SD - Basic function - Output control - Output determination using condition technique - Output determination for sales documents - Maintain Output Types

You have to define new Output types by copying existing one and change to your requirement, provided standard output type does not meet you requirement- 

Languages of Output
Print Program: print specification
SAP Script: layout
Partners (to whom you need to send output)
You need to mention Partner function wise Output type. 

Assign Output types of Partner Function
SPRO Path IMG - SD - Basic Function - Output Control - Output determination using condition technique - Output determination for Sales documents - Assign Output type to Partner Function

Here you assign Output types to desired Partner function like SP/SH/PY etc.. Generally that would be the intent recipient of that output type.

4) Maintain Output Determination Procedure

SPRO Path IMG - SD - Basic function - Output control - Output determination using condition technique - Output determination for sales documents - Maintain Output determination procedures

You have to define new Output determination procedure by copying existing one and change to your requirement, provided standard output determination procedure does not meet you requirement.

5) Assign Output Determination Procedure

TCode V/43 

Assign Output determination procedure to Sales document header level

TCode V/69 

Assign Output determination procedure to Sales document item category

SPRO Path IMG - SD - Basic Function - Output control - Output determination using condition technique - Output determination for sales documents - Assign Output determination procedures

You need to assign output determination procedure to Sales document. You may assign as per your requirement Header level and item level.

Similar steps could be followed for output determination for Sales activities and Billing documents.

Define Communication Strategy
SPRO Path IMG - SD - Basic Function - Output Control - Determine Communication Strategy

You need to create communication strategy, system should search for communication methods in case of transmission medium 5.
Output Determination Level & Assignment in Sales

Output Determination - Level

Assign to Output Determination - Sales Document:Header assigned to Sales Document Type 

Output Determination - Sales Document: Item assigned to Sales Document Item Category 

Output Determination - Delivery Document: Header assigned to Delivery Type 

Output Determination - Delivery Document: Item assigned to Delivery Item Category

Output Determination - Billing Document: Header assigned to Billing Type

Output Determination - Billing Document: Item assigned to Billing Type

Some Standard Output Types

Output Type relevant Sales Document

Standard Output Type

Transfer Order -WMTA 
Packing -PL00
Sales Orders -BA00 
Cash Sales -RD03 
Sales Invoice -RD00 
Delivery Note -LD00 

Condition Record

Without or in absence proper condition record maintenance, the desired output type will not determine in relevant sales document type. Therefore condition record is crucial in Automatic determination of output type.

Condition Record Maintenance for

VV11 / VV12 / VV13
Sales Document relevant Output Type

VV21 / VV22 / VV23
Delivery Document relevant Output Type

VV31 / VV32 / VV33
Billing Document relevant Output Type

Output types are used to represent various format of output in the SAP system, Eg of output types in Sales and Distribution processing are order confirmations, freight lists, and invoices. You use the output type to control how the output should be transmitted, Eg, whether an order confirmation should be send via EDI, or printed.