Saturday, 23 July 2016

Sales Document Type Control in SD

Please find few key control for Sale document configuration 

Sales Doc type: A classification that distinguishes between different types of sales document. The sales document type determines how the system processes the sales document

Document category: The document category determines how the system stores and keeps track of document data. It enables the system to provide you with status information about delivery processing, billing, and documents that are used for reference (for example, inquiries and quotations).

Sales Document block  If you block a sales document type, users cannot create new sales documents of this type. Sales documents created before you set the block can still be changed and displayed.

External number range: when creating a document with external number assignment, the system assigns a number that appropriate configure as external number  

Internal number range:when creating a document with internal number assignment, the system assigns a number that lies within the appropriate number range.

Item increment :The increment by which you want the item numbers in a sales, delivery, or billing document, to increase when the system automatically generates item numbers.Increment by which the item number in a sales document is increased, if the system automatically provides item numbers

Reference mandatory: Indicates whether, when you create a sales document, a reference document is mandatory. If so, the indicator also specifies which type of reference document you should use.

Division Checks :Controls how the system reacts during sales order processing when a division that is entered or proposed at the item level differs from the division in the document header.

Order Probability:The system uses the probability and net value of each item to calculate a total expected order value for the sales document. The expected order value appears in the double-line entry screen.

Credit Check Specifies whether the system runs credit checks and how it responds to the check during sales order processing.

Credit group:Credit group enables you to combine different sales document types for the purposes of credit management.

Output application: Identifies the applications from which output can be sent (for example, sales order processing or invoice processing). The output is divided according to output types and assigned to these applications.

Item Division :If you mark this field, the system proposes the division from the material master record of the item. If you leave the field blank, the division in the document header also counts for all items.

Read info record If customer-material info records do not exist, you can leave the field blank.

Screen sequence group: Controls which screens you see during a particular transaction (for example, creating a quotation) and in which sequence they appear.

Incompletion procedure:The system uses the incompletion procedure to determine which fields appear in the incompletion log when the user does not enter information during sales order processing. In SD Customizing, you can specify an incompletion procedure for each type of sales document.

Transaction group:the transaction group controls,the types of sales documents you can process with certain system transactions in sales processing for which sales, shipping and billing documents the system should update reporting indices (in tables TVIND and TINPA).

Doc price procedure Key that specifies the pricing procedure for this type of sales document.

Delivery type :delivery type that the system automatically proposes for this type of sales document during delivery processing

Billing type: billing type that the system automatically proposes for this type of sales document during the creation of billing documents (invoices, credit memos, etc.) that refer to deliveries

Inter-company billing:Specifies the billing type that the system automatically proposes when you create billing documents for inter-company billing.

Billing Block :Indicates if the item is blocked for billing.

Condition type line item:This is where you enter the condition type which you want to use to determine the results of the sales order pricing for a sales and distribution document item.

Billing Plan Type:Periodic billing is used to bill rental or maintenance contracts. Milestone billing is used to bill projects.

Payment guarantee procedure:This key identifies the document payment guarantee procedure for this sales document type.

 Payment plan type :Specifies the payment plan type for payment cards.In the standard system, this is referred to as the "payment card plan type".

Checking group :Defines how the system carries out checks on payment card data in different SD documents.This is done on the basis of checking group assignments to the different sales document types.

Propose Delivery Date :Indicates whether the system automatically proposes the current date as the delivery date.